So, dah hampir sebulan aku tak berblogging kat sini. Memandangkan bulan puasa 2016 dah pun berlalu, sekarang time beraya pulak. Hehe, kalau ikut
post tahun lepas, kemain lagi aku update pasal sambutan hari raya dengan relatives dan open-house rumah aku, but tahun ni? Heh, tahun ni aku
slow sikit bai. Cam tak berapa nak ada
mood untuk update ke or apa-apa. Ntah la why tahun ni aku agak kurang nak bersosial kat FB or Instagram tu semua... Why? Well,
maybe because aku dah bosan kot? Either bosan, or aku dah start
outgrew menda-menda haram jadah tu semua. Tu pasal gambar
update pun satu dua je - in every two or three months. Just imagine, nak update status yang tak berapa kerat pun aku malas. Well, kalau aku upload pun - bukan si Zuckerberg tu nak kasi aku duwet ke apa, so sukati aku lah ye tak? Wakaka... But, kalau ko still nak tengok gak gambar raya aku gak pasal dah rindu muka ni ke apa... then, this is my raya picture yang aku amik itu hari. Silalah tatap puas-puas muahaha.....
with my bro. yeah. |
Anyway, bila cerita pasal raya, tahun ni kami masih buat open-house. Masih jemput saudara mara datang beraya and whatnot, but dalam post ni aku tanak citer pasal tu. Last year kan dah update, so this time let's talk about something else pulak. Oh, yeah... A few days ago aku meet up with my old friends from high school. Girls, obviously semuanya. To be frank, aku jumpa diaorang adalah dalam a few times, but baru this year terfikir nak write something about it.
So, let' me introduce you to them, shall we?
From left: Wany, Fiza, Wani, Marissa and myself. |
Aku kenal dengan dia orang ni semua dah lama. Adalah dalam 10 ke 11 tahun. Ni pun ada yang tak dapat nak join because of kekangan kerja. Ada yang aku kenal masa sekolah rendah, but mostly time high school. Malas la nak cerita panjang lebar, throwback-throwback bagai, so here's the story in a nutshell. After SPM, aku dengan Wani masuk ke matrix yang sama, so we keep in touch. Kalau ko pernah baca post aku yang awal-awal kat blog ni, you will know that I banyak gak mention pasal dia. Aku consider dia orang yang banyak gak membantu aku time matrix lu, walaupun kami praktikum lelain dan blok college yang berbeza. So, while aku dan Wani still have the opportunity untuk share the same alma mater; the rest plak go to different college/university and then we kinda went off-grid and lost in touch. Almost four years and so.
Around Sept 2012 (I think), Wani ajak aku hang out balik for the first time since kita orang masuk uni (to pursue our degree). That's when aku jumpa Marissa balik. From our initial conversation, aku dapat tahu yang dia tengah pursue her study in medic kat Ireland. Seriously, aku dah lama betul tak jumpa Marissa ni. After PMR (2007), she went to boarding school and even though dia pernah contact aku after she left - I never really make the effort to stay in touch. Eventually, we kinda drifted apart. But, her dad and mine are friends, so every now and then aku akan dengar cerita pasal dia. My dad have nothing but nice things to say about her of course, but like I said before - it wasn't enough story to make me reach out. Biasa lah aku ni kan? Agak
anti-social skit bila bab-bab camni and
borderline recluse...
The picture of our initial hangout together :) |
So, after almost five years lost contact, we finally found each other again. Credit to my friend Wani yang amik sikit masa untuk arrange everything. Masa aku first jumpa Marissa; she's very nice and friendly; just like the last time I remembered her. All memories starts flashing back, particularly masa aku form 1-3. Dayyum, don't we have a great time back then, but perhaps that's a story for a different time. Anyway, long story short - that first meeting brings out old feelings and stirred up some emotions inside of me. I feel inclined to see them again, at least once a year. Still, because of our busy schedule, kita orang tak dapat hangout on 2013 and 2014, dan terus skip ke 2015. The girl in yellow baju kurung, Izzati Najwa tak dapat nak join, so in second meeting; it's just the
three of us. And this year, somehow and somewhat - Wani manage to bring everyone together (with addition of two of my old classmates, Wany and Fiza) untuk hangout sekali lagi. :)
To be honest - aku pun tak sure sama ada aku leh join ke tak. I been busy this year, like really,
really busy. In between finishing my 2nd semester and start preparing for my t; all my time and energy has been channeled into writing. Seriously, this makes whatever time that I left for
human interaction dan socializing - amatlah limited. So that's why, bila Wani
whatsapp aku a few weeks prior untuk hangout dengan Marissa - I was kind of doubtful. There's a slight problem dengan scheduling and since aku ada deadline to finish, aku minta K.I.V dulu. Aku tak tolak mentah-mentah je because old friends, right? I would hate to have turn them down. So, after chatting a bit, aku discovered that Marissa was going to back to Ireland at the end of July, and since Wani kerja sendiri - masa yang ada untuk semua berkumpul hanyalah on Tuesday. But, here's the thing...
On the day aku supposed to meet with the girls and even though aku dah kata K.I.V - I freaking forgot about it. Like completely... Darn it. I do this quite a lot lately. Thank God jelah Wani reminded me on the night before we're supposed to hang out or else memang sah-sah aku lupa. And, since aku kerja pun dah settle sikit and aku pun takde mende nak dibuat that day; I decided to tag along.
with friends. =) |
Tempat yang pertama kita orang visit was Taman Rama-Rama Ayer Keroh Melaka. Very fun place to hang out with friends and if you wanna have interesting experience with butterflies... We had so much fun! And no, it's not that I never been here before that make me excited like this, but the last time when I went - I was
11 years old. That's like
13 years ago... So much time has passed since then, even the place is changing. Anyway, so I went to the place, mingle with my friends and witnessing so many beautiful butterflies. Overall, it was a lovely experience.
So many beautiful butterflies. |
Just Hanging Out.... |
Koi fishes. |
Lepas habis visiting the entire park, we head to eatery place (sorry, can't really recall the name of place). It's a hot spot place for eating, so it take us quite some time to receive our order. Then, after finished eating - we decided to go to Teddy Bear Cafe (TBC) at Hatten Square. Aku pernah ajak my bro masuk tempat ni, but dia hesitate. I don't think he hates Teddy Bear or anything like that, perhaps he's thinking the place a little bit... 'girly' for his taste. Of course, aku rasa macam pelik je bila dia tanak masuk dengan aku but, hey - it doesn't matter now since I'm here with my friends.

Due to some circumstances, Wany and Fiza have to leave after TBC, so the remaining decide to lepaking at Klebang beach. Aku dah lama gila tak lepak-lepak kat sini, so I can't help but feeling a little excited. Sempat je kita orang singgah Klebang Coconut Shake before driving towards the beach. Aku ni nama je kampung kat Klebang, but Coconut Shake dia yang feymes tu pun tak pernah nak cuba. Bila dah cuba sekali, baru tahu bertapa sedap dan nikmatnya... Perghh, sampai terangkat bahu lah wa cakap lu... hehe.
Bersuka ria dia tepi pantai. |
So, sampai sini jelah dulu coretan aku kali ni. Lepas je kita orang lepak pantai, terus balik dah and tak singgah mana-mana pun. Penatlah, guys... Balik rumah je, mandi, buat apa-apa yang patut and then- BAM. Terus tido. Haha, nampak sangat aku dah semakin 'berusia' kan? Hihi... Baru 24 kot, but rasa macam dah 50 je. Anyway, thank you for reading this entry. I have a nice time with my old friends and I hope you guys enjoy this post.
Sekian, wasalam.
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