Mimi's here.
Hehe. I know that I just love to update nowadays, don't I? Everyday seemingly like a day for some new post from me. Hehe, sorry but not sorry, guys... Otoke (what to do), my life had been pretty eventful these days, so there's a lot of story to tell (hence, this post). Well, I know that I'm not some kind of celebrity or famous actor, so nobody really cares either I post anything or not, but since this is MY blog and I'm the one and only proprietor, then I have too care anyway. I have to care, so that this blog won't start gather some dust again like it has about seven months ago when I'm in blog hibernating mode... hehehe...
Hehe. I know that I just love to update nowadays, don't I? Everyday seemingly like a day for some new post from me. Hehe, sorry but not sorry, guys... Otoke (what to do), my life had been pretty eventful these days, so there's a lot of story to tell (hence, this post). Well, I know that I'm not some kind of celebrity or famous actor, so nobody really cares either I post anything or not, but since this is MY blog and I'm the one and only proprietor, then I have too care anyway. I have to care, so that this blog won't start gather some dust again like it has about seven months ago when I'm in blog hibernating mode... hehehe...
Hmm, is that sounds like a reason for you that I'm constantly updating? I think it is...
Anyhow... since I'm just starting to write and uploading some pictures again on this blog - I do hope you'll find this next entry to be not only fun and enjoyable, but informative as well. If you guys have something to say right after this post, then feel free to drop any of your thoughts and comments on the comments box below. I'll also read through any of your suggestions if you had any so, feel free to do that as well...
Ehem ehem... are you guys still here? Have you made yourself warm and cozy yet? If you had, then can I resume my writing now? (just teasing, I don't need anyone permission actually).Yes? Okay, thanks then.
So, here comes the story...
Last Saturday, I went to Seoul Garden Makhota Parade with my bro for a scheduled Raya Lunch Date. The two of us went there by car (he's driving of course, not me). Huhu, I know what you might thinking once you hear this.... What do you mean Mimi, when you write going to Seoul Garden (SG), a restaurant where they mainly serves Korean food for your so-called 'Raya Lunch Date' and whatnot? Are you even for real, girl? I mean what the heck? Why don't you just go to a place where they serves ketupat, lemang, wajik, dodol and all (i.e open house) - instead of throwing money to eat at this place? Are you forgetting that we're still in Raya mode, so what with this Korean food lunch date nonsense? Can't you just be normal and eat the usual thing people does during Hari Raya?
Why do you gotta be so 'kekwat' ma?
Haha... I dunno man... I dunno why me and my bro are like this. All we know is that if it's still Raya and we still haven't gone anywhere else to eat - then that place needs to somewhere that serves a food that doesn't includes Hari Raya staple dishes (i.e SG). Personally, if I am to be given these three choices; Western, Korean and Japanese food - I would prefer the Korean ones better since I ate western style food every other day, and Japanese food doesn't sits well with my taste buds. So you see - this is why out of all hundred other eateries out there, I choose to come here (SG)... It's because this place understands my needs so well, and that's what attracts me to keep coming back for more.... (^_^)❤
Arrival at Seoul Garden Taking selfies first before starting out with our food binge.... |
Where to Seat? |
Since there wasn't a lot of people in here yet, we got to select our own table! (Yihaa~). I pick the one near the corner so we could eat, laugh and talk in private. Thinking back to what it must appear when I choose to do this, the two of us must seems like a young couple who didn't want to be bothered by anyone else. Laughing and acting so casually to one another, that's must be quite 'eventful' to watch when the fact is - this guy is ACTUALLY my bro. (=w=): And a little bro at that, too... Haha.... imagine the weirdness it will bring, if only they know the 'truth' (not that I try implying anything, so don't start having any funny ideas).
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The Bowl and the Grill |
Oh hello there.
I'm just taking a sip from my Mango/Orange drinks.
It taste like a jello btw, in case you're wondering...
My Handbag & Grocery bags |
For those who lives in Malacca, I'm pretty sure that you guys are pretty well-aware about the 'no plastic bags' rules for every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, right? This rules have been greatly enforced by most of the big supermarkets since late 2010 and it had been going steady over the years that next year (2016), it will be perfected by not handing a single plastic bags at all (they suggested you to bring your own grocery bags, instead). Well, I don't know how other people who lives here are feeling about this, but I'm willingly to comply with this idea of using less plastic bags and start 'going green' - if it could meant leaving for a healthy impact on saving the environment.
But, let's put that thought on hold first and leaves these bag in here since right now - I'm deadly starving.... hehe
The Lamb Shoulder and all-kinds of marinated beef you can eat |
There's a little trick that I learn about going to this restaurant that I wanted to share with you guys if you're planning to come here for the first time and that little trick is; never went here on 'weekdays'. Either you're coming with your friends, family or love ones; just don't. Why you asked? Cause that's when you got the least selection of food. Notice that there's a slight differences on the price between weekdays and weekends? Well, that differences my friend; wasn't for nothing. It's due to this reason. So, if you want a broader selection of food when you come here, more food to stuff on your mouth - then make sure you pay attention to this. Honestly, this is no time to start being a cheapskate to yourself or other people you paying for because; what you paying, is what you going to get...
The other food... |
I picked fried chicken, fries, fruits, kimchi, spring onion, sausages and eggs as starter. Even though there are so many options and they mainly provided a lot of stuff that I love to eat - I'm a little bit disappointed why didn't they offer carrots... (-.-): If you happen to read this post, then you'll know how much I ❤ this one particular vegetables.
Western Lovers |
Never tried this fried chicken before and how much I regretted of not doing so! This chicken is totally daebak!!! The texture is so crispy, tender and sweet that the moment it entered my mouth I feel like I just.. melted away. Honestly, I don't know what I was doing the last time I was here except I'm totally missing out! This chicken is perfection!!
Eat This Kimchi and Fruits |
Another thing that I'm missing out is this Kimchi and fruits. To went to a Korean food restaurant and never even trying out a single Kimchi - if that doesn't seems like a disgrace to you then I don't know what is! Hahaha... Luckily I remember to try it this time around. It taste pretty normal, edible to say at least - but I wouldn't say I'm much fan for it. Those fruits however, are different story since they are my old time favorites!
Me, and my ❤ for Eggs |
Actually, Seoul Garden wasn't the only BBQ and steamboat places that I love to visit. I had another favorites as well. It's called See U BBQ and Steamboat restaurant, and its located at AEON Bandaraya Melaka. I went there a couple of times with my bro and the food there tasted pretty good too, though you can't have it buffet style like SG (everything is ala' carte). One of my habits when I went to ate there is, I will order a raw egg. It cost me about 0.80 cents or so. yet still - I want it! Then, the next thing I'll be ordering is...you guess it - carrots! Huhu... Come to think of it, it surely feels like a big waste of money to eat there since SG also offers the same thing but with the unlimited excess all eggs you could eat.... Oh yeah~ (0.0) *drool*
My Brother's Choice. |
Mine. (Don't forget to say your prayers, guys...) |
Somebody seems eager to start. Hehe.... Anyway, why don't we switch on the timer first brother dear before we start eating? |
Let's starts boiling down these 'babies'! See my eager face? That's because I had totally starved myself earlier . So you understand why did I deserves to eat at least this much.... |
Looking good, isn't?
That lamb taste delish, btw...
My bro enjoying his meal. He surely ate much less than I am, didn't he? |
Aftermath... "You had fight long and hard, soldier... I think it's time for you to put that tongs and fork down now. You need to catch your breath again." |
Aftermath 2.0 Gamers will always be... gamers... |
Care for a cup of Milk Tea? |
In case you always been to SG but never heard of this - there's another small hidden service that you can use but never really get too since by the time you want to use it; you're already be too full and stuffed. It's a little service that is called as,'trade-your-glass-for-cups', and it's only applicable for those who ordered refillable beverages. Don't worry guys, it's called as 'trade' - so you won't have to pay anything except to send your glasses over counter for the change. This means that you'll have to walk a 'little' (hopefully not a problem) to get the taste of this hot drink. I had my change so I could drink my Milk Tea and Mocha comfortably... hehe
"Can you wait here first, sis?" - my bro. |
Taking selfies. So yeah - this yellow cup is my new partner-in-crime now... |
And making faces... This is not how duck face supposed to look like, okay? |
And MORE faces.... Getting bored of waiting already.... |
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Lolzz.... [Liar] |
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Cause watching one drama wasn't enough.... |
That's it guys. Hope you have fun of reading this entry. Till we meet again, wasalam.
Mimi says: Every Good Times will soon comes to an end....