Well, for this very special post... where do I begin? Excited, Happy, Sad... I don't even know. Too many emotions surrounding me while writing this post, but one thing remains clear; I'm so glad that after putting 4 years (adding one year from my Matriculation days) on studying and learning - this day finally come true. Praise Allah for making it possible for me and many thanks to my family, friends, lecturer and everyone I know who had been supporting me from day one or the moment they got to know me. I know that I might not be the best person in the world to get involved with, but able to meet a lot of nice and amazing people so far - makes me feels so lucky enough. My only hope was that the experience was the same to you, as it's for me and it's not then, my deep regret and humble apologizes because as you know... I'm only human. :)
Haha okay guys, I don't want to get too emotional or start crying now, so let me just get straight to the point. For these past three years, I had been one of the undergraduate students in National University of Malaysia, or also known as UKM; majoring in Computer Science (ex-FTSM student). Now, frankly speaking, this choice of course wasn't the top two I selected (it's my 3rd) and sure, when I first just starting out - I had some doubts about it. Curiosity, however - get the best of me that I decided to stick around and see what each semester has to offer. So, from this one semester, it becomes two, then two becomes three, three becomes four... and finally, it brought us back to this post. The story about my convocation day.
Just like anyone else who had dreams, I also had things I wanted to fullfill in my life. Called is as an obligation or responsibility - but being the first-born, it certainly feels important to set a good example to my only brother. However, I won't called it as being a role model though, because I strongly feel that my brother and I - we had learned a lot from one another from all these years living together (despite embarrassed to admit it) that we become the pillar of strength to each other. So, not really an issue here...
Alright, I think I was getting too carried away in talking about this so, let's get back to the main topic shall we? The real reason why this post was made is because I wanted to show to you the full glimpse (pictures) of my convocation day. At first, I had my thoughts about uploading it on Facebook and Instagram, but doing so feels a little bit... conventional to me. Therefore, I decided to upload it in here, so that I could include a little bit of a back-story and all. Besides, it feels more personal this way (blog).
There's also a video made for this special occasion, but that's going to take a while (editing and stuff, I leave the link later) so, let me treat you with some nice pictures taken during that day. Happy scrolling!
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The Invitation Cards: They only allowed two people to attend the ceremony, so naturally I would invited my parents. Can you see their names? |
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We Start to Move: The exact time my dad start to drive us there. My ceremony started around 2.00 o'clock. |
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My Dad: Hehe, despite of his fierce and stoic expression - I think he too was happy to be here. |
Making Faces: Haha, excuse my pouty lips. I make this face sometimes when I'm HAPPY! |
Mom and Dad together :) |
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My Official Alumni Card
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Finally~ Haha, meet my friend again, Amyera. You can see her on this post |
Thank You Mom, Dad and My Little Brother for your constant support and care. Without you guys, I wouldn't be here today. Hugs and Kisses. P/S: Thank You Dad for the lovely teddy bouquet~ |
Final Picture: Close Up With My New Buddy... |
So, with all said and done - Thank You for the Memories, UKM and goodbye for now...
Thank you so much for reading through this entire post. I really appreciate it.
Till then, Wasalam...
Mimi says: Glad The Convocation Day is Over, (Now On to The Next One)
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