Saturday, May 20, 2023

Malaysian Streaming Services (2023 Update)

Hello semua. Apa khabar? Mimi's here.

Tiga tahun lepas aku ada buat comparison streaming service (Dimsum, Netflix, Viu dan iFlix). Tahun ni (2023) akan ada beberapa penambahan sikit sebab aku dah try lagi beberapa streaming service just for the fun of it. Ada yang aku cuma subscribe sekali, ada yang untuk beberapa bulan ke depan. Nak tahu apa dia? Meh baca post aku kat bawah ni.

1.) Dimsum (n/a; terminated)

Entah di mana silapnya, tapi tanggal Sep 2021 yang lalu adalah bulan terakhir streaming service Dimsum ni beroperasi. Jujur cakap, aku cuma subscribe untuk beberapa bulan saja (di tahun 2019) sebab time tu aku tengah dalam mood nak tengok cerita Hong Kong. After subscription aku tu habis, aku langsung tak menjenguk Dimsum ni sampailah diorang tetiba send aku e-mail (i guess aku tak pernah unsubsribe) telling me about penutupan rasmi mereka. Adalah sedikit rasa nostalgic itu timbul bila aku dapat tahu, but in the end - it's what it is. I already move on since then.

2.) Viu (cancelled)

Seperti Dimsum di atas, aku pun hanya subscribe kat Viu sekejap jer before cancelling it. This goes on for a few years. Only baru-baru ni aku decide untuk subscribe balik sebab ada drama Malay yang aku nak tengok. What a huge dissapointment that was. Aku hanya subscribe seminggu je (RM2.90) before realizing I'm better off without it. Heh, I must say not that surprising :(

3.) Netflix (ongoing)

Luckily for Netflix, ia tidak mengalami nasib yang serupa seperti 2 streaming service yang aku baru sebutkan tadi. FYI, aku dah subscribe to Netflix nearly 3 tahun dah (before the end of 2019). Jujur aku katakan, life pre and after Netflix memanglah tersangat berbeza. Dalam bebanyak subscription, setakat ni aku rasa Netflixlah yang paling berbaloi dan memuaskan hati. Kontent banyak, cerita best, drama bersiri-siri, dah tu last for quite a long time (up to 2 years and above). 

4.) iFlix (n/a)

Aku pun dah tak ingat sangat pasal iFlix nih. Ni pun sebab aku tengok post tiga tahun lepas je baru perasan, lol. Anyways, aku tak layan iFlix so rasanya kita boleh skip this one kot?

5.) SIAR (cancelled)

It all started dengan aku tetiba rasa nak tengok satu movie lama yang bertajuk 'Dewi Cinta' 1987. Movie yang in my opinion sangat sukar untuk dicari di mana-mana hatta di Youtube sekalipun. Nak dijadikan cerita,waktu aku tengah scroll tik tok video ternampak lak watermark 'SIAR' ni kat salah satu movie lama. Curiosity got the best of me and hasilnya aku jumpa gak movie yang aku nak tengok tu! Bermula dengan subscription RM10 (mahal jugak eh?), subscription ni pun tak tahan lama. Only for a month tapi aku dapatlah tengok banyak movie-movie Malay lama.

6.) SookaTV (cancelled)

Sebelum aku subscribe Netflix, aku layan Astro dulu. Nearly 10 tahun jugaklah before everything ends around 2017-2018. Never thought of seeing it again until ada cerita Malay yang aku nak tengok dari Astro. Masalahnya, aku dah lama tak ada Astro so nak buat apa? SookaTV is the answer. Seriously, banyak gila cerita yang aku dapat tengok and more. Memang best Sooka ni tapi like all good things, it has to end. Aku bertahan subscribe lebih kurang 2 bulan jer sebab banyak cerita yang aku nak tengok  dah pun selesai. So, bila dah selesai - kenalah move on to other stuff pulak, ye tak?

7.) iQiyi (ongoing)

A hunt for more Malay drama brought me closer to iQiyi. Bermula dengan subscription sebulan, aku teruskan dengan subscription 6 bulan kerana lebih murah dan berbaloi (RM8/month). Banyak cerita yang ada dalam ni especially Chinese and Malay drama. Anime dan lenlain pun ada jugak.

8.) Disney+ (ongoing)

Awal tahun ni aku dapatkan Disney+ sebab (again) ada cerita drama Malay yang aku nak catch-up. After that, sempat jugaklah aku layan movie Disney satu dua and movie from Indonesia as well. It was pretty okay, tapi agak expensive jugaklah (RM54/3 months) and hanya boleh ditonton oleh seorang user dalam satu-satu masa. Still, not bad. Not bad at all. 

9.) Prime video (ongoing)

Aku baru je obtain prime video sebulan yang lepas. So far, so good. Banyak cerita-cerita baru yang aku dah layan and it just keep getting bigger and better. Aku tak tahu berapa lama aku akan stay dengan prime but we'll see how everything goes, huh?

10.) tonton (ongoing)

Tak nak kalah dengan Astro dan streaming services yang lain, TV3 pun offer benda yang sama jugak melalui aplikasi mereka iaitu tonton. Aku pada mulanya skeptical juga nak subscribe ataupun tak, but then I decide to just go for it. Harga kalau amik package mereka agak murah (RM8.00) compared to ambil subscription bulan (RM9.90). So far aku cuma baru tengok sekali dua je sebab banyak komitment lain serta streaming services yang berlambak-lambak untuk aku cuba.

So, that's it, guys. Aku nampak semakin bertambah streaming services yang aku dah cuba di dalam list ni compared to 3 years ago. Walaupun banyak aku dah cancelled and some I do keep, I did enjoy most of it. Sampai sini sajalah post aku kali ni. Semoga bertemu lagi dalam post yang akan datang.

Yours truly,


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Life Is but A Dream (2023 Edition)

Today I learn that nothing is what it seems. People say they love you, but their action disagrees. People smile at you today, and jeer at you for the rest of the week. Everything is fleeting, moving in opposite direction. Consider yourself important, yet that never was the case. Pretend to be strong, when in truth you're weak and tries to deny it. I care none for their insecurities, only what I could see in front of me. I think knowing what you want and work towards that goal earnestly everyday is so much better than talking about impossible dream.

Last year proves to be the hardest year in my life yet, but somehow at the end of the tunnel - i found the light. Going back to my own belief helps to improve my life tremendously. When I pray, I feel comforted, calm. Even when no one is on my side, I know He's there - watching over me, caring me in a way that no other human can. Listening to my worries, paving the way that its the best for me. I just wanted be in that haze forever and ever, but being human - I know there's a time I'll slip again.

My only wish is i don't. 

Lately, I found that the more effort I gave, the more result I can see happening. Perhaps I was stingy before, uncaring - these days, I try to care for things I love. When my heart is set on something, I will see to it comes to fruition. It may not be perfect sometimes, but at least - I know I'm trying.

I got half of my dreams realized by the end of last year. This year I'll try to fulfill another half. I'm gonna keep trying while praying to Him to ease the way for me. Maybe I will fail. Maybe I won't. There's no way knowing unless I try. I wish I could do some good for others this year to, probably more than I normally give out. There's plenty of people out there who needs our help without us realizing it.

 It's still early of the year. There's so much things i wanted to do, achieve. I hope I'll have a lot of strength to do it and my health would allows me. God-willing.

Yours truly, 
