So, I have this blog for over eight years now. Started off as a time-filler, then slowly progressing into a hobby, and today - I don't even know what it's anymore. Lately I had been thinking about re-branding my blog and to re-title it seems like a good start.
Honestly, I had used 'Angelic Confessions' for quite some time now, so it wasn't a total 180-degree change, but this post shall mark my declaration and making it official. I had realized that every two or three years; I would have this sudden urge to wiped out my old post as I'm not a same person I was, and I won't be the same person moving forward. So, I'm saying goodbye to my colleges/university days post (even though I thought it was a great post at the time, it's time to move on). Nowadays, I just wanted to write things that I love, things that matters to me and I deeply cares about. Those would have a high chance to be posted in here. I'm ready to move on to other stuff that makes me happy and would put a smile on my face.
I'm not only doing this to my blog. I also decide to delete and scrub clean my Instagram photo's. I only follows a couple of people or pages that I deemed interesting instead of doing it for the sake of old times. This is exactly how I wanted to lead my life from this day forward. I don't care for anyone to understand, nor would care less about what they think. This is also my reason for my disappearance from all of my social media (I had a private Instagram account now) and why I never bother to come back. My departure from public eyes has been the best thing I had ever done, and I'm so happy with my life now that I almost regret not doing it sooner.
Thus, I concluded my re-title introduction for my new blog: Angelic Confession. I solemnly swear that I'll make this blog more fun and exhilarating than its predecessor. That's it for now and see you soon on my next post.
Yours sincerely
Mimi Said