Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sunshower @ UM Graduation Day 2017

Hello there. I'm back with my final entry (I hope), about my graduation day at UM. I hope you don't feel sick about reading this already.

As you know, I just completed my master degree studies and my graduation day (pictures) is finally here. But, instead of using English language as medium off interaction, kali ni aku akan gunakan bahasa Melayu.. Actually, tak lah Melayu mana pun (Manglish la cam biasa).  Harap korang sudi membacanya.

Seperti yang aku dah jelaskan kat post aku sebelum ni, hari konvo aku jatuhnya pada 22hb Oktober 2017, Ahad (est 3.00ptg). Minggu cuti mid-sem universiti & juga cuti sekolah. Dah pastinya tak ada masalah untuk ayah dan adik aku. Jumlah tetamu (guest) yang dibenarkan untuk pelajar master hanyalah 2 orang sahaja (PHD boleh sampai 3 orang). Tiga tahun lepas aku dah bawak masuk mak ayah aku, kali ni aku rasa macam nak bawa adik lelaki aku, Syahmi Said la pulak. Konvo hari Ahad kan dan memandangkan ini mid-sem break/cuti sekolah - itu semua boleh diatur... 

Sebenarnya, aku kesian gak nak mengheret adik aku ke sana ke mari walhal aku tahu yang dia ada exam lepas cuti mid-sem ni. Tetapi, syukur dikurniakan adik mithali gred A yang rajin melayan kerenah kakaknya ni. Takpe bro, konvo u nanti I datang and amik gambor tak putus-putus cam mamarazi yek? 

Oleh disebabkan konvo ni dekat UM, maka takleh la nak bersuka ria je pergi tanpa memikirkan perancangan perjalanan. Dari tempat aku ke KL - makan masa hampir dua jam kot... Tambah-tambah lagi aku ada majlis meraikan graduan Master dekat fakulti jugak pagi tu. Takkan nak paksa semua orang bangun pagi lak? Kena be considerate... Jadi, untuk memudahkan kerja - kami pun menyewa hotel. Semasa melayari laman web Agoda.com, nasib baik terjumpa hotel yang berdekatan dengan UM yang within our budget. TYSM mama... hehe

Macam Valenza Hotel  ni jaraknya cuma 6-7 minit je dari UM & Midvalley.
Wifi tip top, bilik pun wangi je. Sangat berbaloi...
Hari keesokannya, awal-awal aku dah bangun untuk siapkan make-up dan bawak turun barang. Aku tak pastilah fakulti lain di UM ni macam mana, tapi fakulti aku memang ada majlis meraikan graduan master dan PHD ni. Seperti konvo, majlis ni juga hanya membolehkan dua orang tetamu jemputan je jadi aku invitelah parents aku. Kita orang sampai ke fakulti aku 45 minit lebih awal sebab aku nak send adik aku ke student area UM agar dia boleh study kat sana. Lepas mendaftar, baru aku tahu sebenarnya boleh juga kalau nak jemput ahli keluarga yang lain tapi nak wat camne - adik aku dah start study dia. Aku tak nak la kacau dia ke apa kan, tapi dalam tempoh adik aku tak ade tu sempat jugalah aku tangkap dua tiga gambar ngan mak ayah aku macam kat bawah ni;

With my beloved ones.... hehe. 
Masa ni tetamu belum ramai. 
Apalagi kan, keluar phone tangkap depan.
Bersama dengan lecturers and graduan yang lain.
Eh, eh... tetiba muncul pulak my lil' brother..
Atas desakan aku yang tak putus-putus, adik aku telah
di paksa menukar baju 'kasual'nya kepada formal di bilik air student lelaki berdekatan.
Tu yang muncung panjang tu... huhu (JK)
A little bit of souvenir given by my faculty.
Thank you for taking care of me for these past 2 years.
I couldn't possibly make it without them.
Invitation card untuk mama and bro aku.
Hehe, excited gila bro aku datang aku siap print lagi
(actually aku print gak nama parents aku masa convo kat UKM dulu)

Suasana di dalam Dewan Tunku Canselor, UM
First time datang sini masa aku daftar as new student, nearly two years ago.
Now, as a graduate. Time does flies, I guess...
Selfie bersama coursemate, Kak Ida.
Ada dua orang lagi ni, WeiX dan Kak Fauziah tapi kami telah ter'pisah' selang seorang
dek kerana angka giliran. Kalau tak dah lama aku ajak mereka selfie berempat. :)
Finally, dapat jugak scroll master from UM.
It feels so surreal to me.
Apa-apa pun, amat bersyukur. :D
Picture taken sejurus saja aku keluar daripada dewan.
Pipi nampak buncit sebab makan banyak malam tu. Haha.
Dalam banyak-banyak gambar, ini antara favorite aku. Masa ni boleh tengok gelagat manusia-manusia lain berkonvo. Mungkin tak nampak jelas kat sini, but aku boleh rasa connection tu while I was watching them. Seperti yang aku katakan dulu dalam post ini, ambil master (tak kira apa discipline pun) bukan lah senang... You're not only playing with time and future here, but you're also playing with $$$... Bunyik memang macam best "Ya, aku tengah ambil master sekarang ni..." but you have no idea how much work I had to do behind the scene (bukan merungut ye, tapi kenyataan).

So, dekat sini aku nak ucapkan tahniah lah and kudo's bagi mereka yang dapat habiskan thesis on time, but more respect for those yang mampu teruskan walaupun tesisnya telah di reject beberapa kali. Rejection, giving up, anxiety, fear, etc... - I'm sure student yang take Master/PHD semua pernah rasa. Lagi lama masa kau spend untuk buat tesis, lagi banyaklah feelings tu bercampur aduk sampai at the end dah tak boleh fikir apa dah. That why I wanna say... you guys are the true champion kat sini because tak pernah kenal erti berputus asa. Kalau aku boleh kasi satu advice macam mana nak buat tesis; advice aku adalah keep moving forward... There'll be a time bila kau tetiba stuck, sedih sebab kena reject, mogok sebab rasa macam buat balik pun takde guna - but nothing will change selagi kau tak buat apa-apa. That's what I learned and now I'm passing that down to anyone who's reading my blog and interested in taking master degree course themselves.

Pictures with mom & dad
Apa-apa pun, sebelum aku terlupa - aku nak cakap yang aku sangat grateful yang semua family aku sudi meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri majlis konvo aku kali ini. Seriously, happy gila bila nampak semua family members aku berkumpul. Time UKM dulu pun best jugak, tapi boleh rasa incompleteness tu bila family members tu tak cukup sorang. Since adik aku pun ada ni - maka completelah family kami yang kecil ni. Hihi...

Pictures with my lil' bro...
Okay, so here's a little 'fun' thing yang jadi masa hari konvo aku... Lebih kurang 30 minit gitu lepas sidang ditangguhkan, sedang aku dalam perjalanan memilih flower bouquet - hujan tiba-tiba turun dengan lebatnya... Ala-ala sunshower / foxrain gitu... Terkejut gila aku kenapa tadi panas terik boleh tetiba hujan panas lebat pulokss? It feels so strange.... Anyway, nak marah pun tak boleh juga pasal hujan yang turun tu kan satu Rahmat? So, instead of feeling sabotage or whatever - aku senyum and pray je dalam hati sampailah hujan tu berhenti. 

Masa tengah membelek gambar-gambar convo, ternampak lak
gambar ni. Tak sedar pun bila adik aku angkat phone and snap.
Cantik pulak walaupun jalan tar tu dah hampir basah semua wakaka.
I have to give it to my bro. Despite of the sudden change in weather,
he really knows to capture the beauty in a moment.
Haha, walaupun hujan masih belum reda, photoshoot tetap perlu diteruskan jugak.
Namanya nak give up memang takde yeh.
Bukannya hari-hari pun aku konvo camni. XD
Final picture with mom & dad.
So, aku dan keluarga aku bertolak balik dari UM ke Melaka kira-kira pukul 6.00p.m. Kena hantar adik aku balik cepat lah pasal esoknya dia ada test. Sedih gak bila time drop adik aku kat dorm dia but apa leh buat; perjalanan study dia masih panjang lagi. Hopefully adik aku pun dapat G.o.T juga dan dapat keep moving forward dengan life dia (same advice also applies to me). I'm only 25 years old... Masih jauh lagi perjalanan, benda aku nak belajar, dan experience yang aku perlu tempuhi out there. Cuma jangan expect aku study amik PHD ke hapa lah dalam masa terdekat ni. Hampir 7 tahun aku study dari zaman Matrik, ke zaman Degree hinggalah finally...Master. I think that's quite enough.... don't u think so?

Disebabkan ayah aku dah bagi teddy bear yang agak besar semasa degree dulu,
aku tak nak teddy bear gila besar gedabak kali ni. Wat semak jerr.
Cukuplah teddy bear kecil ni sebagai momento hari konvo master aku.
It's not the size that matters, but the meaning behind it that's important...

Okaylah, sampai sini dulu lah post aku untuk kali ini (mungkin ini coretan terakhir untuk tahun ini)... Apa-apa pun terima kasih sebab sudi baca. I know you probably be thinking by now... "Panjangnya entry dah tu gambar sampai berbelas-belas pulak tu. Ni mesti kes riak ni..." Haha, please don't think that way. Aku cuma nak share about my life journey so far, Sejujurnya, aku lagi enjoy menulis di blog ni daripada nak gebang di sosial media. Disitu aku cuma update kat FB 4-5 bulan sekali and then terus disappear without a trace (the same goes with instagram). Tapi aku suka update kat sini.... I think that's because most people tak tahu yang aku ada blog (kalau tahu pun dorang tak tahu url address) dan kat sini aku boleh post anything about my life without so much of getting scrutinize. Pressing hard on the matter, it's also because I feel most like myself here....

Anyway, dengan berakhirnya program master aku, maka berakhir jugalah entry aku kat UM. Rasa macam sekejap sangat but don't get me wrong - I'm glad that its over. Harap-harap I'll come back with a good news to you all. Doakan yang baik-baik saja, ye. Thank you and God bless...

Yours Truly,
Mimi Said.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Pre-convocation UM 2017

Hello there! How y'all doing? Mimi's here...

So, I'm back with another post. This would be my third one for this month alone and believe me when I say - it also won't be my last. I got another one planned for my convocation day, but until then - I'll hope you'll enjoy reading this.

I guess I can finally say it out loud now; my days as a master student in UM is officially over. I had been studying close to two years now (mixed-mode, what can u do?), yet it feel like only yesterday I first stepped my feet in here as a student. Come to think about it, I didn't make a lot of post about this place before as I only attended the classes just for a semester and now it had coming to an end - I guess it might be a good idea to milk out this final experience as much as I can by immortalized in this blog. After all, this could be my last time studying in here. ( ̄∇ ̄)

Before I started talking about my pre-convocation day in UM, I think I wanna say something first. I wanna say about my experience, the one things that stood out the most for me about this place compared to my previous alma mater (UKM). You know what they say... Different places brings out different experience... No? Well, maybe I just made that part up. Anyway, before I start rambling again - let's begin...

Three years ago, when I was a student in UKM, something that struck to me the most besides studying and assignments was... the endless of car riding. Back then there wasn't any functional train nearby my hometown that I can use (the nearest one is in Seremban). Naturally, car was one of the my legitimate option to get there. Back then I didn't even consider riding a bus never because it proves to be much hassle. However, that doesn't means that I was too fond with having my dad picking me up either. I dislike it because the trip is always so freaking expansive...

But, today it's a little bit different, tho. With an exception to my first semester, I can say that for the most 95% of the time - I can get by using train and buses. I choose not to stay in KL because of the expansive rent, so I personally like public transportation because it's much easier and cheaper. I usually went to UM alone, but since it's my pre-convocation day, the idea of going there alone sounds... a bit lonely. Luckily, my lil' brother is on his mid- semester break, so I asked him to tag along. Truth is, he wasn't feeling so well, but he did come anyways coz he's such a doll. Thanks bro!

So, I have nothing more to say and since they say picture can say a thousand words, please treat yourself to some scrolling....

Examination Building, UM - 10.30 a.m
Inside of the paper bag are my Graduation robe, caps and others.
And yeah, who else but the little old ME...
(I have no idea why I made that face tho)
The stairs heading towards the UM pre-convocation carnival.
I gotta say, despite never been here before, I'm quite impressed.
It's pretty dope.
Food Junction, Midvalley - 12.30 p.m
Lunch time!
I was starving so I decide to have some Thai fried rice with
side dishes for my lunch while my little brother choose to have some Chicken rice.
Matcha Ice Cream, 3.10 p.m
Before heading back, I told my brother about this delicious
Matcha ice cream from a store call Family Mart.
It only cost about RM2.80 each and super delicious!
He have a try and told me that he likes it.
It's located at the same level with the KTM station.
A definite try if you come to Midvalley.
Waiting for the Train, 3.20 p.m
A little selfie time while waiting for the train.
One of a few downside about taking public transportation
- it takes forever to arrive...
My little brother said that he loves this convocation paper bag design.
He thinks it's pretty 'kawaii'. ;)
While killing the time waiting for the train, my bro decides to play game on his phone.
He looks so into it so I decide to snap without his knowing... Hehe.
More selfie on the train with some nonsense sticker I put for lolz.
I hope you like the direction of this picture is heading. So here's the story;
"The naughty kuma-san is looking at her brother throwing up
 with a smirk upon her face. THE END."
Oh look, I even make a fire...
Arrival at KTM Tampin, Pulau Sebang, 5.05 p.m 
We had arrived! I didn't realize that my brother is
taking this picture until he showed it to me.
What a sneak!!
So, that's it guys. That's the end of days for my pre-convocation UM. There's another post coming soon so stay tuned for that. Thank you for reading this entry. See y'all soon!

Yours truly,
Mimi Said.  

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

My Anime Crossed-off List for the Half 2017 & Review - Part 3

Hello there. How you all doin? Mimi's here.

So, another year, another list...  If you think that I'm gonna let 2017 goes by without watching even a single series of anime... then you probably don't know me at all. Last year I manage to create two list (part 1 and part 2 where I had explain about 20 anime series that I had watched) and well.... that was fun. I never had that much of fun while explaining about anime before and so, as a part of unwanted tradition - this year I had come back again to explain another set of anime series I had watched. Now, I'm not gonna bother myself with writing a whole bunch of introduction so Imma just jump straight to it. Let's hope that it will be as fun as last year, yeah?

Side note: Unlike the predecessor post, this time my list is a little bit tamed and generally positive in nature. Therefore, feel free to scroll down without hesitation to see what I have to say for each and one of these anime.

Are you ready? Here it goes...

1.) Tenshi no Konamaiki / A Cheeky Angel  (Re-watching)
picture credit: Google image
Year Released: 2002-2003
Date Watched: 2014 (original); June 2017 (re-watched)

Reason Why I Watched This:
Just revisiting one of my favorite anime series of all time. I also had made a post about this anime series on my blog before in case you are interested to check it out. 

Memorable character: Megumi Amatsuka and Genzo Soga

My Review:

A Cheeky Angel is an anime with quite long episodes (about 50), but since it's a good anime series and I had a bad urge to watch it; I can't help myself from completing the marathon in just five days!! I had actually watched this anime around three years ago and even made quite extensive review about it. I guess that ought to teach you something about what this anime meant to me, and how my past (review) doesn't lie. Anyway, as far as my (updated) review go, I don't think I have anything much to add except I might come back in the next to three years to re-watch this anime again (yep, I'm a big fan).

Rating: 4.1 /5.0 (it was fun to be watching Megumi's Protection Club gang again!)

2.) Natsume Yuujinchou Go / Natsume's Book of Friends (Continuing new series)
picture credit: Google image
Year Released: 2008-present
Date Watched: May 2017  

Reason Why I Watched This:

A friend from my previous university suggested this series to me (I think it's around five years ago) and I had been hooked ever since. I still reminded of her every time I saw this series.

Memorable character: Takashi Natsume and Nyanko-sensei

My Review:
Since its initial release in 2008, this anime series had collected over six seasons (including 2017 which I still haven't get chance to watch) and by looking at the growth of the manga; I have no doubts if new anime is currently in a progress. Natsume Yuujinchou sets a story about an orphan boy by the name of Takashi Natsume, a sixteen-year-old boy whom possess a power to be able seeing youkai (sprits). It's a special ability that he inherited from his maternal grandmother, Reiko-san. After his parents death, Natsume have to be thrown a lot from one relatives to another until he finally found solace in the arms of very nice middle-age couple, Fujiwara's family (who come from his paternal side). Learning from his past mistake, Natsume tries to keep his secret from his new family but the knowledge about his grandmother 'Book of Friends' which contains a lot of Youkai's name in it and appearance of Madara/Nyanko-sensei, soon began to interfere his new life. However, things wasn't so bad as he had think and soon, Natsume begin warming up to the Fujiwara's and making friends with kids in his new school.

So, what so good about this anime you ask?

Well, to me, Natsume Yuujinchou is an anime that send a good vibes to whomever watching it. You'll see how bad things for Natsume to be able seeing spirit, how he grows up as a lonely child without parents love or close friends. So, imagine my delight when a childless couple wanted to take him in and love him as their own (T.T). My heart isn't made of stone, alright? Natsume tragic childhood makes me cry a river and making it difficult to forget about this series as the years goes on. As quoted from the creator/mangaka herself, Yui Midorikawa; Natsume is a boy who is trying to be a kind person' and throughout the anime/manga, it's difficult not to see how Natsume is becoming a character that the mangaka envision him to be.

Rating: 4.56 / 5.0 (Because Natsume really is, a special person to me).

3.) Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (New)

Year Released: 2008-present
Date Watched: June - July 2017

Reason Why I Watched This:

I read the manga by accident (it was volume 7, I think) while I was growing up and it had landed on my watch list ever since. For years, I had completely left the anime adaptation into the oblivion reasonably based on two unreasonable fears: it wouldn't be that good and it would be a waste of time. Luckily, as years passed by, another animation studio had taken a great interest on this series and now fans are given a choice to watch from two different anime adaptation - the 2003 (original) or 2009 (Brotherhood) version. After some meticulous research and consideration, I finally decided to watch 2009 one since they (fans from anime community) said that it's much more loyal to the manga adaptation compared to the 2003 version. A decision well-made I have to say after finished watching the entire (64 episodes) in less than five days!

Memorable character: The Elric Brothers, Roy Mustang and Izumi Curtis

My Review:

I gotta give credits when it's due, especially towards my friend who introduced this series to me. I remembered the year was 2006, and back then I just started dabbling myself into the world of Japanese manga and animation. Back then, Naruto and Detective Conan were the only two things I knew and imagine my surprise when I realized that there's a whole lot more world (in anime/manga retrospective) to be discovered. So thanks to her, I'm well-aware of this anime existence, but then also come along Bleach, Ouran Highschool, and all other anime's that totally forced Fullmetal Alchemist to take a backseat for almost eleven-long years. Finally, I get around this anime this year and boy, wasn't I'm glad...

I don't really know how much loyal this series is compared to the manga, but so far I'm enjoying the direction of story and how well-drawn the animation is. There's a lot of things seems to be going on in the anime which involves fighting, rediscovering, and etc... but I won't bore you with details as I don't want to spoil this series (at all) cause it really that good. I guess after all had been said and done, the only thoughts that fly over my head is that the crazy amount of time and effort had been putted into creating this series. I know it wasn't easy task, so the only appropriate appreciation that I can give is kudo's to them (both mangaka & creators) and thank you for giving me and fans alike something as exciting as Elric's brothers to watch.

Rating: 4.45 / 5.0 ( It was REALLY good. Pity I didn't take on this series sooner). :)

4.) Sumomomo Momomo (Re-watching)
picture credit: Google image
Year Released: 2006-2007
Date Watched: 2008 (original); July 2017 (re-watched)

Reason Why I Watched This:

I was all in for watching old anime this year (meaning any sort of anime that I haven't watch in the last ten years or so) so it's quite natural for this anime to fall into my re-watch list. Come to think of it, this it one of a few lucky anime series that I brought in DVD's and still pretty much in love after all these years... I still remember the day when I decide to buy those two-full DVD's seasons (12 episodes per box) and finish watching it in 3 days. Great times, great times....

Memorable character: Kuzuryu Momoko and Inuzuka Koshi 

My Review:

It's still come a surprise to me that after all of these years, this anime still manage to hold top 5 spot in my heart. Checking on MyAnimeList (MAL) right now, I must have watched about 150 anime's on my list, so to have this anim holding a spot in my Top 5 anime seems a little bit... unfair. Anyway, what can I say?; I guess the heart still wants what it want.

So, Sumomo momomo tells the story about a weak seventeen year old boy, Inuzuka Koshi and the sudden arrival of his unexpected bride, Kuzuryu Momoko. Momoko, a crazy martial arts devotee, dropped by at Inuzuka doorstep with two missions inside her head; to marry the guy and then start having babies with him. Crazy right? I know. Apparently, their fathers Sendayu and Unken are both well-known and established martial arts practitioner and bff. It's due to Momoko's inability to fully master her clan hidden techniques is what drove her to this drastic decision in order to the produce greatest offspring in the earth (ok, she do it bcoz of the fam, but still CRAAAZY).

Anyway, long story short; with their father's blessings, Momoko's determination, and Koshi retaliation - a lot of things starts to occurs which usually resulted into comical events and Momoko's ruined romantic/seduction plans. It's quite hard to pinned down each and every comical events that's happening in this series because there's a lot, but one of my personal favorite is whenever Momoko's advance is rejected by Koshi, she always retaliate with other way which is far worse than her last! It's like this girl have zero shame and couldn't take the hint that the dude is just not into her. It's ridiculous the amount of rejection and humiliation that this peachy-girl could take, but that's one of the special charm of this anime and making it special in my heart. I highly recommended it!!!

Rating: 4.60 / 5.0 ( After all of those years, this series only gets better).

5.) Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan (S01 & S02) (Continuing new series)
picture credit: Google image
Year Released: 2013-present
Date Watched: Mac 2014 (S01); Jun 2017 (S02)

Reason Why I Watched This:

I watch the first season of Attack on Titan on my final year as undergraduate (it was about 3 years ago) and been keeping an eye on the new season (whenever that may come). They finally releases the second second last April and even though I didn't jump that train much sooner - I did finished the series by the end of June 2017. 

Memorable character: Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackermanand Levi Ackerman 

My Review:

Screaming... Yes, I remember it distinctly now. There's a lot of screaming involved, especially when I was watching the first season. I know, I sounded dumb to be screaming at an anime but, can you blame me? I was merely following the trend and hype without any knowledge of what I'm getting myself into. Sure, I had some idea about what this series is going to be and when I heard about the Titan - I thought to myself; "How bad can it be?". Well, newsflash - it's really, really bad. I think Imma puke just by thinking about it. Not only that the titans are BIG, they are also disgusting, man... Some anime fans might like that, but the image of Titans putting people into their mouth and popping their heads of is not what I want to remember for the rest of my life.

Okay, I know what you thinking... I'm really asking for it to be watching this series since its already been said in the title [which isn't a right translation btw, as the direct translation is actually 'The Attacking Titan' (source: Joey, TheAnimeMan; 2016)], but it's still brutal, man. The attack and killing, losing limbs, bloods splattered everywhere and those damn fugly Titans... It feel like what nightmares are made off... I remembered they made me scream so much that at one point, my dormitory neighbors had to check on me (I was living in alone back then) to see if I'm alright and haven't lost my marble yet. So, I told her I was watching this crazy anime about Titan's eating people, in which the reaction is just beyond disbelieve and well - she doesn't check upon me again after that. XD

Anyway, fast forward to 2017 - my interest on this anime is still going strong. I finished watching the 12 episodes in less than a week so there you go as a prove.

Rating: 4.20 / 5.0 ( I personally like the first season, but the second one is quite okay too).

6.) Masamune-kun no Revenge (New Series)
picture credit: Google image 
Year Released: Jan 2017
Date Watched: June 2017 - present

Reason Why I Watched This:

Okay, I have a little confession to make... I have a reason for re-watching at least two series on this list. Truth is, it wasn't because I really in the mood to revisit or trying to celebrate my 10th year anniversary with the series. Not really. Truth is.... I was actually too freakin' LAZY to find a new anime series. There, I said it, and here's another reason 'why'. I had abandoned at least two anime seasons (Fall 2016/Winter 2017) due to boring new anime adaptation and clash of interest (I was into other stuff, doing thesis, etc). Anyway, since I had missed out on so much; I finally opened my heart again for Spring 2017 & Summer 2017 list and guess what I found.... This anime above.

Memorable character: Masamune Makabe

My Review:

So, I did said earlier in my intro that I'm not gonna make this review like the previous two R-rated post I had produced, but boy.... This anime is really asking for it. Okay, I'll tried to put this nicely while still staying truthful. This anime... sucks. I know I should give a chance since I'm only half-way watching this series, but it does. It does sucks. Why you ask? Well, for one - the lead characters leave me feeling conflicted about watching the rest of the series. Didn't understand what I'm talking about? That's okay. Imma explain it to you....

For starter, I was first drawn to pick up the series because of this word - 'revenge'. Oh, how I love the possibility that can be offered alongside of that. It's what pinned my interest to this series at first and make it special in my eyes (or so I thought). This anime fall under romantic-comedy (rom-com) series. As you know, like any other rom-com out there; we usually have two main lead; a boy and a girl with a little/lot of comedic elements to it. But, this time it won't be just average kind of boy and girl... This series promised you a revenge by a former chubby-rich-boy, Masamune Makabe. He's the kind of lead who used to be fat and always get bullied by neighborhood kids. As for the girl, we got this rich-princess-type to deal with by the name of Aki Adagaki. Unlike our poor little male lead, she's beautiful, desirable and everybody wanted to hit on her like she's all that....

So what does these two kids have as a common factor you ask?

Well, both of their parents are rich, so that's one... Oh, and Masamune apparently  have a crush on Aki when he was little and go as far to confess to her. However, holding up to that bit*hy and stuck up princess title so dearly in her heart - she rejected him as potential boyfriend/first love and told him that he's not really her type. Ouch... Not just that, she even generously created a nickname for him; 'Piggy' because of his appearance (talk about being shallow)... Anyway, several years passed by and that little piggy who used to cry on his way home had turned to be - quite a hottie. See where I'm going with this? I bet you also think the same way as I do. Like this is where the 'revenge' thing starts to happen, right? Well, that's seems to be the plan when Masamune make his second entrance as this handsome boy who looks as fit as a fiddle before revealing his ultimate plan which to seduce and destroy Aki. Ten points for the thought, bro! I'm glad homie gonna show her who's the boss now... Oh gosh, I was really rooting for this guy to succeed. Like hell yeah!

But then, the unthinkable happened.... 

He slowly falling in love with her - Again!! 

Say what now BRO? You work so hard to get that hard rocking abs and beautiful body for years just to be sucked into this succubus grace? Again?? I mean come on Masamune.... Surely you can do better than that! Oh may... What a waste of good premise. Me, totally sad with this new development. After all that effort... why with the sudden soft heart bro? That part I just... AGHHHH!!! Just because you look drop-dead-gorgeous now doesn't means that she's gonna be nicer to you. 

In case you're curious, this is how Piggy boy Masamune body looks like now.
I know, awesome right?? His body is TOTALLY ripped. RIP baby fats.
picture credit: Google image
Man, I hope this guy could stick to the plan and then dumped her ass cause she totally deserves it. But hey, looks like the mangaka really3x wanted these two lovebirds (puke) to get together so there you go. Forget the past and forget revenge - let go to the fantasy land where everybody have a fairy tale ending cause that's more realistic than having the male character stick to his guns and crush this bish ego and burn it to the ground. 

So yeah, I'm done ranting *I mean reviewing* about this anime. In case you are waiting for my personal rating, here's one below....

Rating: 2.5/5.0 (Too bad, even Masamune shiny abs couldn't save this sinking ship.)

7.) Yamishibai series (S01,02,03,04) (Continuing new series)
picture credit: Youtube
Year Released: July 2013-present
Date Watched: Oct 2015-present

Reason Why I Watched This:

If you don't know me yet, Imma big fan of Japanese horror. Just check on my past post, you'll understand why.... 

Memorable character: None (Various Different Characters throughout the seasons)

My Review:

Like I said before, I'm always a huge fan of Japanese horror. Therefore, it hardly even a surprise when Yamishibai finally makes the cut into this list. I discovered this series back in 2014 and had been following the new releases closely ever since. So far, there's only five season being released (with the latest season still airing in Japan as this post is written) and as far as my reviewes goes for those past seasons; I think anyone who's involved in the project are killing it with their job and I can't stressed how much semi-heart attack this series was giving me at early seasons (S01-02) and making me on edge of my seat as I waited for something creepy starts to unfolds.

Anyway, since this series have over 50 episodes so far; I guess what would be a better thing to do besides selecting my favorite top 10 episodes and share it with you in here;

  1. "Zanbai"(S01E02) - an anagram from Japanese cheer word 'Banzai', this episode tells a story about a man who just recently released from a rural hospital after having an accident, and the fear of not able getting out from there alive. 
  2. "The Family Rule"(S01E03) - Young boy Toshiharu and his parents just moved back to his maternal grandparents house. While he's waiting outside, his grandfather starts to explains a family ritual calls 'Calm Trough Smiling' (where adults have to pretend of smiling and laughing all night long) to cast the boy great-great grandfather evil spirits that feeds on negative emotions away. The question is, can the boy held in his curiosity together, or will the evil spirits triumph?
  3. "Contradiction"(S01E07) - Yuuko received a two different calls from her close friends, Mayumi and Tooru where they both telling about the same life-threatening events but with slight contradiction to their stories.... Who will she believe
  4. "Cursed"(S01E09) - A woman is desperate to find someone to remove a strange written curse which befell her daughter body. A visit to a priestess in a Shinto shrine seems to be given the two hope from being consumed by their ancestor family curse, but is everything truly over??     
  5. "Video"(S01E11) - While trying to finished their homework, three middle school friends decides to take a break by watching a recorded videotape. Things gets a little bit dicey when the video starts showing them scene they didn't remember shooting. As they begin to look further... eerily figure begin to appear and staring directly at him. However, that wasn't the end of the story....
  6. "Tormentor"(S01E13) - Three friends decides to take a look at something they shouldn't. The results of that: highly uncomfortable.
  7. "Taro-chan"(S01E02) - A police officer who tries to give a presentation about road safety in ventriloquism using a doll named 'Taro-chan' gets more than he bargains for when the doll began to gain its own consciousness.  
  8. "Inside"(S02E03) - Three friends decides to take a look at something they shouldn't. The results of that: highly uncomfortable. 
  9. "Farewell Confessional"(S02E08) - A man go back to his family hometown to attend a funeral service. When he notice the absence of the priest and how mourners keep going one by one through the screen door, his aunt explain to him that the funeral that is held for the deceased is called 'Farewell Confessional', which means that the mourners tell the deceased something they couldn't when he/she is still alive so that their sins can be absolved. At lost of what to say after haven't meeting the deceased for a long time, the man told his secret. The real question is; will that be a smart move on his part?
  10. "Picking-up"(S02E11) - A college student pick up an abandoned novel manuscript in a train and intrigue by the story he read. Just before he return the manuscript, he noticed an amateur literature contest from price worth 3 000,000 million yen. He later enter the contest and won, but before receiving his prize; the question of the manuscript integrity is put to test. Will he admit the truth, or would he continuously lies for the sake of the prize?

Okay guys, so that's ten highly recommended episodes that I can give to you which all of it are my favorites. Be sure to check them out if you're interested in Japanese animation, alright?

Rating: 3.78/5.0 (some of them are pretty scary)

8.) Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou / Elegant Yokai (Ghost) Apartment Life (NEW)
picture credit: google image
Year Released: Summer 2017
Date Watched: July 2017-present

Reason Why I Watched This:

Desperately in need of new anime series and this come close to my own preference. Never even heard about this series before (I only read certain manga I like and doesn't keep up with the rest), but since I like yokai and intrigue with what sort of life that a human being can form with them; I was quite excited to watch this. 

Memorable character: Inaba Yuushi (so far, because I'm only watching the 3rd episode)

My Review:

Okay, so I'm only about three episodes deep for this anime series, but I already can tell - it's gonna be a fun watch. Youkai Apartment brings a story about Inaba Yuushi, an orphan sixteen year old orphan who just recently moved out from his relative's house. Inaba is pretty independent and postive about his future, but when a fire destroyed his new dormitory; he's had to find another place to live. After a long-search, Inaba is left with two options; moved back to his uncle's house, or live in a suspicious apartment that he can rent at low price. Eventually, he decides to choose the latter and it doesn't take long for him to realize that the apartment building he rented, wasn't just only ordinary building. It's is an apartment filled with Youkai's (spirits)!! Given, Inaba is scared to his bone, but he find himself warming up to the tenant and other residence who are occupying the place.

Mind you, this to anime is still airing in Japan as I'm writing this and so far I only watched four episodes, but I can tell already - this anime is going to be great. I had a feeling that it's going to go down as a feel-good anime (like Natsume Yuujinchou) and I'm anticipating the new release every week. I don't know if I can spoil anything more about this anime, but I'm pretty sure at least two of the main characters (Inaba), have some sort of secret powers. Okay, that's it. That's all I'm telling you. If you're interested, go and check this anime yourself. I don't think that you'll be disappointed.

Rating: 4.02/ 5.00 (looking forward for a new episodes from this anime.)

9.) Koi to Uso / Love and Lies (NEW)
picture credit: google image
Year Released: Summer 2017
Date Watched: July 2017-present

Reason Why I Watched This:

I was searching for good romantic-comedy anime and this is one of the best one I could find from this (Summer) season. 

Memorable character: -

My Review:

So, Love or Lies brings a story about a guy name Nisaka Yuusuke who falls in love with a girl name Misaki Takasaki. The only problem? He wasn't allowed too because she wasn't meant/assigned to be his fiance/wife. But why can't he when he's in love? Well, you see... in the place where this guy come from, a life partner for girl or guy who had turned 16 is assigned by the government. Why would they do this and let the youth runs free you ask? Well, for one thing, they needed to increase the nation birth rate and Yuusuke is no exception to this.

Sure, his birthday comes soon enough and now that he's sixteen; he's eligible for marriage. But Yuusuke already like somebody else and that's Misaki. I know, conflicted interest right? But our male protagonist doesn't care about that. Nope. He doesn't care for the slightest. Despite of feeling nervous and the severe penalties, he tells Misaki what he feels about her and unexpectedly - his feelings is also reciprocated by Misaki! Oh yeah... But here comes the one problem... Their government would never allows this to happen and sure enough, shortly after his birthday - they visited Yuusuke to reveal his future fiance. Ririna Sanada is the girl assigned to him and Yuusuke was conflicted...

Okay, so far that's the opening for this anime. Just like the anime above, this anime is also currenlt airing in Japan so there wasn't much going for me to tell. Personally, I think this anime have the potential to become my favorites although I still have around 8 more episodes before deciding.

Ratings: 3.87 /5.00 (I hope this one won't become a disappointment to me.)

10.) Kakegurui / Compulsive Gamblers (NEW)

picture credit: google image
Year Released: Summer 2017
Date Watched: July 2017-present

Reason Why I Watched This:

A fellow Youtuber made a video that introduces this series and I can't help but thinking it could an interesting watch. 

Memorable character:  Yumeko Jabami (the long-haired girl above).

My Review:

So, Kakegurui is an anime that sets in a highschool where gambling is not an illegal activity. You want to win a huge chunk of money? Gamble then. Want to increase you social status at school? Gamble some more. You want to snatched someone else position at school? Gamble is the way to go. Want someone to lick on your shoes or make them your PET? GAMBLE ON!!! In this school, there seems to be nothing that can't be solved without gambling involves.

As the school and students are dragged with unfairness of the rules and losing money left and right, the arrival of transfer student by the name of Jabami Yumeko is about to make the school interesting again. Unlike other students who's careful before selecting their opponents, Yumeko can be considered as pretty reckless. She wasn't too stressful about the possibility of losing money as long as she could gamble (that's compulsive, right there). Anyway, so what makes this anime as interesting watch is not because you want to see who's winning the bet, but to see the consequences of that. Luck plays a heavy interchangeable role in this anime and nobody is really considered as safe (even Yumeko, the leading lady). Take the first two episodes from example... She might've win in the 1st episode, but by 2nd - she already lost a lot more than she gained. And she's the main lead in this series!! That's just one of perfect crazy example when I say nobody is safe...

So far I had only watched 4 episodes because Kakegurui is still airing in Japan. Just like the other two anime's I had picked up for this season, I'm also satisfied with this one and looking forward the new  episode release so I could complete this series.

Rating: 3.98 / 5.00 (Jabami, why are you so sexy?)

Okay, I guess that's it guys... That's all the time I had in this anime crossed-off list for the half of 2017. I don't think I would make a part 4 of this (because lack of time), but we'll never know.... So, Thank you for reading this entry and I hope to see you soon. Jya-nee and have a nice day. ;)

Sunday, April 30, 2017

10 Perks of Being a Homebody

Hello there. Mimi's here.

Okay, so for this next post...  I think I'm just gonna shoot straight to the point. 

I like STAYING at HOME. 

There I said it. And I mean what can I say. I really do like staying in. Does that makes me a recluse? If it is, then I might have been a recluse for more half a year now. According to wikipedia, a recluse is a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people. I still live with my parents and go out every now and then if I need to buy something so what does that makes me? Oh well, perhaps recluse is strong word... Perhaps the word 'homebody' is more suited in this situation. Yes, homebody. A person who likes to stay at home, and maybe, just maybe - slightly unadventurous. I think that is more appropriate for my case.

You see, I come from parents who had had a different ideas about family recreational time. While my mom enjoy going on a trip at any chance she got, my dad is the polar opposite. He wasn't a big on vacation, trips, and anything else that doesn't have the word 'education' behind it would completely fell into deaf ears. I guess that's one of the downside for having teacher as one of your parents (though I'm not sure, it could be just my dad). Anyway, I'm not trying to poke any soft nerve here so let me just point it out how his approach on recreational time had resulted me in becoming a homebody.

For starter, I don't think there's anything wrong of becoming a homebody. You stayed at home, do things you like, and it just simply gets better from there... I could've swear that whenever I gone out, my home is all I could think off. That how bad case of homebody I am... I never recognized myself as a homebody before, not until I reach my twenties anyway. I found myself to enjoy my free time alone, staying in at dormitory or at home feels like a close to safe haven to me, and everyday as movie night is a must than hanging out with friends. Seriously, there a lot of the things I got to do as a homebody, more than I could count I supposed. I guess there wasn't any easy way to explain to you how great it's to become a homebody so here's a 10 list that you can scroll down.

Please, enjoy...
1.) I Saved Up More Money By Staying In 

Picture courtesy of Google
Tell me, how much money does it usually cost you for going out? If you say below RM10.00, then I salute you my friend. I, for one, could never ever do that... Finding money is sure hard enough, but it's even worse if you're trying to save up.  Luckily, I found a way to save up more money just by staying in. I mean, even if you go out - you still gotta eat, pay for stuff, take a sh*t, and all the rest which if you combined - is almost the same by staying at home. I mean, it's okay to change scenery once in a while, but if I can have a better deal by staying in, I would rather to do just that, thank you.

2.) Everyday Is A Movie Night

Picture courtesy of Google
I'm not sure if there has been a day since I turned twenty years old that I have missed exclusively for movie night. Like ever! Being homebody allow this to happen and with the existence of technology, internet and all - it's just a matter of resources and time before you discover old/new movies that might be up around your corner. Anyway, luckily I'm always had a way to get my healthy dose of excellent movies and there wasn't anything  that I would want more than this. 

3.) I Develop An Affinity Passion for Mini DIY Projects

Picture courtesy of Google
From painting my home to cupboard restoration to flower arrangement - there hasn't been anything (except some plumbing and electricity) that I haven't try out. Being a homebody allows me to inspect every inch of my home and understand which part of the room being used that often and which one are not. The truth is, I love decorating and this is where my mini DIY projects takes flight. I like planing the space that I want to change and find extreme pleasure in go ahead and do it. Try bringing new life into a room are so refreshing and uplifting. Don't believe me? Try it out sometimes and you'll understand what I mean.  

4.) I Got to Collect More Hobbies 

Picture courtesy of Google
Hobbies... There's hundreds, probably thousands of them out there and I used my position as a homebody to expanded it every single year. Now, I don't want to bore you down with the details (I probably have around 10-12 hobbies by now), but having hobbies is what keeping being homebody as interesting. Here's a couple of hobbies that I found as enjoyable;
  • Watching Movies/TV-Series/Drama
  • Reading Book
  • Writing Novel
  • Flower Arrangement
  • Gardening
  • Interior Decorating
  • Song-writing
  • Vlogging
  • Blogging
  • Exercising/Dancing
  • Photography/Selfie
  • Bird-watching (because there's a lot of cute bird around my house)

5.) I Could Indulge in Reading Book and Drinking My Favorite Drink

Picture courtesy of Google
Last year I finished around 34 books even though I originally aimed to finish just 25 of them. It may be some extra 6 books or so, but I'm still happy about this accomplishment, nevertheless. So this year I'm aiming slightly higher, which is around 30 books. Though, it has been a very busy year for me, so I'm crossing my fingers on this one. 

6.) I Feel More In Control Over Situation (comfort zone, anyone?)

Picture courtesy of Google
Truth to be told, I like to be in charge. I mean, who doesn't? If I happen to have even an ounce of entrepreneurship inside of my body; I already had become my own boss by now. But I wasn't, so we have to settle with the next best thing. Taking control of the situation in my daily life. I hate it when being told what to do by people I don't know, and hate it even more if they somehow try to influence me to follow their lead. What can I say? I just like being in control and being a homebody allows me be in my zone for like - all the TIME. If you think I would be worried about my messed up bed, cluttered dishes and messy book piles - well the answer is, I don't. That's because have my own system to keep everything organized. My solution is; clean your sh*t before you leave. So that also means, make the bed, wash the dishes and clear the piles right after you finish.

7.) Remember That Forever Alone Syndrome? (I Don't Really Feel It Anymore)

Another perks that come with being a homebody is that I learn to get used being on my own. I know it might seem like sad thing to admit but trust me - I get so used being alone that the term 'Forever Alone' doesn't mean a thing to me anymore except just a simple terms used to degrade another human being who may or may not, enjoy being ALONE. I used to be so scared that I will eventually becoming mental over my situation but so far - I have feel nothing but joy. Interactions can get tiring sometimes and that's why I tried to learn to tolerate my own company just in case the crowds are no longer around.  

8.) I Got to Enjoy Little Things More 

Picture courtesy of Google
There's nothing I like best than waking up early in the morning in my own bed, then coming across to the sound of the birds chirping, while drinking my morning tea. Call that boring or lame, but I like it. Hell, I LOVE it. I can't think of any other way to wake up now. There's actually something beautiful in simplicity of life, if you know where to look. I used to want bigger things or bigger dreams; now I just want to enjoy little things even more.  
9.) I Got More Time for Plants and Pet
Picture courtesy of Google
When I was away during my university days, I found it hard to keep a living plants, let alone pets. Now, those two things are my best friends. I love walking around the garden near my house when I got the time to watch the flower and playing with my pet even though I'm tired. It's really a quality time that I never had before and I'm enjoying every second of it by being close to home.

10.) I Found Rainy Days Are The Best Day of Them All

Picture courtesy of Google
Ah, rain... One of my favorite weather of them all, especially if  I'm planning to stay in. Nothing, I feel, could beats the rain and a good cuppa tea. It's almost raining at my hometown now, so maybe I should grab the book and mug close to me and start that reading, huh? 

So, I think that's it for today post. I really enjoy writing down the list of things that I love and I do hope you would enjoy reading it too. Thank you for reading this post and I hope to see you soon (well, maybe not too soon). Goodbye now and have a nice day!

Mimi says: Need a cuppa now. What to do when I'm a tea-addict? XD