Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Raya 2013 Talk

Dah lama tak sembang-sembang kat blog ni semenjak aku aktif Tumblr. Jom citer pasal raya jom!

Persiapan raya
Kuih raya [X]
Baju Raya [X]
Tudung Raya [X]
Kasut Raya [X]
Kemas Rumah [X]
Duit Raya [tunggu orang kasi, hehe]

So, kesimpulannya aku nak raya ke tak ni? Semua je tak beli lagi ni. Jawapan dia; of courselah nak.
Sapa tak nak raya wei lepas berpuasa sebulan? Masalahnya cuma aku belum ada kesempatan je nak jengah kedai, pilih baju mana yang berkenan. Planning raya ni pun nak beli baju raya dah siap je. Cuma color je yang tak pasti lagi nih. Tudung raya sekali ngan bajulah. Kuih raya plak, memang ada rasa nak buat. Last year pun aku ngan adik aku buat chocolate chip cookies sesama. Favorite cookies kami. Kasut raya takde plan ntuk beli, ingat nak pakai kasut time buat Latihan Industri je nanti. Kemas rumah; tengoklah kalau mood raya dah ada - nothing can stop me! Time tulah dengan serta-mertanya aku rajin. Haha. Duit raya plak, well since aku dah besar panjang (konon), takdelah mengharap sangat (tapi kalau ade uncle and auntie yang nak beri tu, aku sudi je hulurkan tangan untuk menerima.)

Bila cerita pasal raya, tetiba teringat lak benda-benda ni;

1.) Dah 21 tahun rupanya aku sambut raya dengan family.
2.) Dah 21 tahun rupanya aku mendapat duit raya.
3.) Dah 21 tahun rupanya aku menjamah kuih raya, lontong, ketupat semua.
4.) Dah 21 tahun rupanya aku masih dapat berjumpa dengan makcik jaga aku masa kecik dulu & merasa masakan dia.
5.) Dah 21 tahun rupanya aku masih berjumpa dengan saudara-mara terdekat ketika raya.
6.) Dah 21 tahun rupanya aku sentiasa ada baju raya untuk dipakai.

Memang baca cam simple kan? Takde apa sangat pun pasal semua benda ni, paling tidak pun satu dua pasti sama dengan raya korang. Tapi, bukan itu point aku kat sini. Aku teringat benda-benda ni pasal aku tahu satu hari nanti, semuanya akan berubah. Makin kita dewasa, mesti akan ade perubahan tu; samada nak ataupun tidak. Ambil contoh no.2 lah, senang. Sekarang ni maybe aku dapat duit raya, esok lusa dah kerja - aku plak yang kena bagi duit raya kat orang. Tak pun no.5. Saudara mara yang terdekat -> cousin-cousin aku. Sekarang semua still around time raya pasal masing-masing tak kahwin lagi. Bila dah kahwin esok, semua pasti akan ikut family masing-masing. The most important thing I want to remind, hargailah everything yang kita ada right now as it might be gone tomorrow.

Rasanya tu jelah kot mengenai raya yang aku nak 'cover'. Oh yeah, baru-baru ni result ntuk sem 4 dah keluar. Syukur alhamdullilah - result makin naik dan mencapai target. Seriously, couldn't done this without support from friends, lecturer and family. Berapa pointer? Huu, malas nak kecoh. Nak tahu gi lah tanya mak ayah aku pasal dia orang lah orang yang pertama aku call after tengok result. Aku jadikan ia satu habit semenjak semester 1 lagi - baik buruk result mesti kasi tahu mak ayah. Paling lewat pun sehari untuk aku kasi tahu mereka. Cuma kali ni agak berbeza skit; aku kat UKM Bangi, mak ayah kat Melaka. Phone je lah yang jadi penghubung kami. Ayah aku memula cam malas nak layan kerenah aku memalam buta tapi bila aku bagi tahu, ni ayat ayah aku; "Emm... Congrats, monkey." Huhu, jaat je ayah aku panggil aku ngan nama tuh. Ingat dah tua-tua bangka ni ingat dah tak panggil lagi dah, tup tup terkeluar jugak. Then, cakap gak ngan mak aku, dia pun cakap tahniah juga and suruh aku belajar harder lagi next time. Ayat mak aku lak; "Mak tahu ko boleh buat mi kalau ko rajin. Next time belajar lagi". Huhu, mak aku. Susah sikit nak puaskan hati dia tapi aku ambil ni sebagai cabaran dan harapan daripada dia. Mudah-mudahan, dipermudahkan segalanya. 

Oklah, itu sajalah untuk post aku kali ni. Maaflah kalau ada yang menunggu (ade ke ni?) selama ni. Hehe, lari topik lak perenggan tadi tuh. Apa-apa pun, salam ramdahan dan lebaran aku ucapkan kat korang semua dan beringat-ingatlah ketika berbelanja, ok? Wasalam.

Mimi says: Salam Lebaran 2013.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Life: Journey Ahead 1 Year from Now ~

Ok, this post have something to do with what's going on with my life right now... So bear.. with.. me..

Firstly, just wanna inform you guys that now that the fourth semester is finally over ( I thought that will never end), it's time to engage myself on a short sem, before going to 4 months or so internship this September 2013. Yeah, that's how my life kinda rolls right now.

Before getting to any of that, I just wanna inform to you guys that there's another thing that's been happening as well in my life. A few persons already knews about this ( people who are real close to me) and I thought you guys who had been a constant reader to this blog also knows me and my life, thus earn you the right to know (why do I make it sound serious? - oh wait, because it is). It's important. I'm going through surgery in two weeks time; on 17 July 2013. I am not gonna say what this a surgery is about but it wasn't going to be a major surgery so, don't worry about it. Still, I do hope people whom read this post could pray for my health and hopefully everything will went well. It will mean a lot to me.

Now, let's talk about this new short semester that I'm getting myself in; well, what more can I say, 3 subjects, 7 weeks and fasting month. I am sure you got the picture. Then, comes the internship 'thingy'. God willing, I'll be doing my internship @ my hometown; Malacca. Among the reason I decided to do it in here were, first I just wanna be close with my family and secondly, it might help me save my money ( don't have to worry about renting new house, groceries..etc). Afterwards, come along my final semester (time for some final year projects). I have to immerse myself for another six months (or so) before I could freely called myself as a 'graduate'. Yup, that's pretty much covered and wrapped up my year of 2013 and half of 2014.

 If you guys are wondering what else had I been up to, I am happy to inform the drawing thing that I been doing is back on, once again! I'm happy to post my new artwork on Facebook and get few responses from people who cares to help me improves my drawing. I also join a new site, Tumblr.com and currently had been active posting. If you guys are interested, here's my link for you to check it out: babydollcrush.tumblr.com.

So, that's it then, for my post as in today. I really enjoy things that's been happening around me and I do admit, they do get rough and sometimes doesn't make any sense at all and keep wearing me down; but I learned to enjoy it anyway and I hope you guys do too in your life. Till then, goodbye everyone. Have a nice day.

Sincerely: Mimi Said