Monday, May 28, 2012

May 2012 KLCC revisited

Rasanya baru minggu lepas aku update blog, well kali ni update lagi pasal ada benda nak cter. Haha. Hope korang tak kisah pasal sapa admin?? (berlagak pulak aku tetiba... XD). 

Saturday lepas, 26/5/12 aku, roomate aku dan Kak Lin pergi menapak ke KLCC. Hisy, dah lama sungguh aku tak mai sini (last sekali masa darjah 6 aku ingat...). Jadi bila dah di ajak untuk tag along tu, agak susah sikitlah nak menolaknya kan? Plan asal kami adalah ke Mines, tapi yang itu boleh tunggu.. (hehe).

Dan macam biasa, kalau aku rasa macam dah nak start pergi tempat yang jauh-jauh sikit dari UKM, ayat pertama yang terpacul daripada mulut aku; "Jauh ke??". Roommate aku dengan K.Lin ni dua-dua orang Utara (Perak), biasalah sangat guna kemudahan KTM tu, so dia orang pun jawab - taklah jauh, Mi... Tukar stesen sekali je dekat KL Sentral tu ha... Dah sampai KLCC. Orang Selatan cam aku yang biasa naik kereta je ni, anguk-anguk jelah. Al-maklumlah, orang tak tahu jalan (takkan nak buat-buat macam tahu pulak kan?)... Sedih (-_-);   

Auto mesin membeli tiket di KL Sentral.
Ku sangkakan tiketnya macam yang beli kat
kaunter KTM tu... Sekali bila dah dapat dalam
bentuk token pulak.  Hmm, menarik...
First time menaiki rapidKL, terasalah noobnya.
Budak Melaka jumpa KL nyer facilities - camnilah
jadi... Maaf ye kalau semacam over.
Aku memang begini... Hehe
KLCC tower... takkanlah belakang
rumah aku pulak kan?
Once aku jejak je kaki jat KLCC, aku dapati tak banyak pun perubahan dekat sini. Sama jelah dengan last time aku pergi kecuali ada beberapa kedai yang jual barangan branded. Hmm.. mission utama aku menjejak KLCC ni adalah untuk ke Kinokuniya. The last time aku pergi (school trip), aku tak sempat nak menjejak situ lagi. Hmm... bila dah dapat tuh - hah, apalagi... Cari title buku yang susah nak dapatlah kan... This time aku sempatlah 2 buah romance novel daripada author favorite aku; Miss Jude Deveraux. Happy tak terkira aku tatkala membayar dua buah yang bertajuk; "Someone to Love" and "River  Lady" tu. Sesiapa yang tak tahu fascination aku terhadap buku-buku Miss Jude, bolehlah rujuk post-post lama aku kat bawah ni;

Dalam banyak-banyak gambar yang aku tangkap
masa visit KLCC, yang ni aku paling suka sekali...
From top, korang boleh lah nampak kedai Kinokuniya,
diikuti dengan TGV, pastu kedai apa ntah.... dan apakah...
Hehe... tak taulah kedai apa paling last sekali tu..
Terasalah sedikit gayatnya masa dekat dalam Kinokuniya tu. Bukan gayat tak pernah masuk kedai buku ye, gayat dekat buku-bukunya yang melambak tu jer. Mana taknya, dekat Melaka (my beloved hometown) agak payah sedikit nak cari buku-buku Jude Deveraux ni. Yang ada semuanya author yang aku tak kenal dan bila baca, feel dia different from what I experience with Miss Jude novels. Tak best! 
Aku taklah asyik minat baca English romance
novel je memanjang. Minat history jugak, lagi-lagi
yang berkaitan dengan Russian Tsar Royal Family
yang kena assassinate in early 1900's. Buku yang aku
pegang ni adalah isteri beliau, Tsarina Alexandria.
Tapi aku tak belilah sebab mahal sangat... RM50++
Call me cerewet or anything tapi aku bila bab music, movies, videos and novel memang particular sikit. Study-moody, belakang kira...(marah parents aku bila dengar ni). I always want to see/read the best from the best. Selection aku for movies are mostly from indie's in which I enjoyed so much. Music plak aku prefer Pop/RnB/Country/Jazz/Folk only. Huhu,, apahal tetiba cerita pasal benda lain pulak nih? Lari topic la plak... Rewind balik... rewind balik.. asnskjjsdgadsjhgfag... 

Lepas melawat Kinokuniya, terasa la pulak laparnya kami - so masing-masing pun start look around; mencari food court berhampiran. Roommate aku dan K.Lin terasa nak makan makanan bernasi, so diaorang pun pergilah cari. Aku yang tak tahu nak makan apa ni pulak (kes dah jemu dengan nasi pun) ronda-ronda jelah sekitar food court tu, sampai aku jumpa set makanan kat seperti kat bawah ni;

Oh yeah. Nachos da chachos!
Haha, tipu je... Ni bukan nachos, tapi taco's!
Air yang aku minum tu Pina Colada namanya, but jangan
risau - no alcohol okay?

Selalu dengar Taco's Bell yang famous disebut-sebut kat U.S tu; teringin pulak aku merasa kesedapan taco's bagi menconfimkannya sendiri. Nasib jelah ada buatan Malaysia ni ha. Dekat food court tu buka saja ada menjual Mexican food macam ni, but international food yang lain pun macam from Japan, Korea, Thailand... etc... Aku tak kisah tu semua, yang penting halal. Yelah, sebagai orang Islam wajiblah mencari makanan yang halal, ye tak? Barulah mendapat keredhaan dan keberkatan gitu...

Makanan kami bertiga :)
Lepas makan, kami pun jalan-jalan untuk windows shopping dengan harapan, bolehlah menghilangkan senak perut lepas makan tadi (hehe).... Ada pelbagai kedai kat dalam KLCC ni, but tak sempatlah nak menyinggah semua kan pasal kami bertiga mengejar masa. Ni yang big masa kami visit KLCC aritu....

Summer in Clinique. Tak silap aku Clinique ni
company yang buat penjagaan muka dan kulit tu.
Nak beli, memang kena tunggu dulu
pasal tak mampu den. Mahal. 
Sebenarnya, the reason  kami mengejar masa adalah sebab nak tunggu time masuk wayang... Yelah tiketnya pun dah dibeli sebelum makan tadi... Kami decides tengok cerita MIB3 pasal nampak poster macam awesome... Oh yeah! 

3 seat for us.... TGV cinema and popcorn.
Here we come...
Selepas wayang habis dan since kami dah ada dekat area KLCC, we take a stroll at the park. Hirup udara segar kat luar sikit after 2-3 hours duduk dalam air-conditioning place. Menyesal pulak bila nampak pencemaran (udara aku boleh faham lagi, tapi bunyi tu yang tak boleh belah ) since ada concert yang dibuat kat situ. Anyway, despite of the sounds - sempat jugak aku capture a few pictures...

In the park. Yes, gambar ni aku guna
filter secara heavily. Bukan
insecure dengan rupa sendiri, more
likely for setting the mood.
Can you guys feel it?
Apa pulak anak dara duduk
mencangkung tengah-tengah jalan ni?
Tak sopan sungguh...
(Ayat mak aku... hehe)
Oklah guys, that's a little bit of my life now. Visit aku ke KLCC tu boleh di katakan fun dan walaupun aku dah visit KLCC tak lebih dari 3 kali sepanjang hidup aku, it leaves a different memories everytime. Haha, sebelum aku terlupa... in 2 weeks time, aku akan hadapi final sem 2 and afterwards..... CUTI!! 2 bulan pulak tu..... Perghh, rasa cam nak menapak Singapore pulak bila dah cuti banyak camni buat that can wait because Genting Highlands... Here I come!...

Sincerely: Mimi Said

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dinner KIY 2012

Oh yeah, pejam celik, pejam celik - dah nak dekat setahun dah aku study dekat UKM ni. Sepanjang pembelajaran aku, dah banyak dah memory yang tercipta dekat sini walaupun everyday aku pretty much the same (what do you expect, belajar lagi kan??).Except for each year they had this event called Dinner, hold by college which carries different theme everytime (Hooray!). And this year KIY theme is: Red Carpet. Huhu, aku participate jugaklah dalam majlis ni because aku AJK/Urusetia Protokol (protokal la sangat aku ni... haha).

Sepanjang participating program ni, banyak jugaklah pengalaman yang telah aku timba sepanjang aku membantu (dari angkat & susun meja/kerusi, buat invitation card VIP, tiup belon... etc) yang aku rasakan berguna in case aku nak join big event camni lagi next time.

Apa-apa pun aku tak mo comment lelebih pasal event ( tak kan AJK nak comment pasal program yang dia join kot? Ngarut giler... and takut marks LC kureng (gurau jerr) ) so I 'll just leave it to that~ Just nk share beberapa keping pic of me and my friends sepanjang dinner tu berlangsung.

Sebelum pergi dinner, mesti mau selfie dulu.
Haha, first time pakai mascara - bulu mata aku
nampak lain sikit. Baju untuk dinner ni aku pilih
sendiri and tudung tu... well - entahlah. Pakai belasah je.
Amyera and aku. Cam pelik pulak tulis nama dia
panjang-panjang. Biasa panggil Amy je.
Ambil gambar belakang backdrop. Backdrop ni
budak-budak KIY design sendiri tau. In fact, hampir
kesemuanya (termasuklah cari fund), kami usahakan
sendiri. Amacam, cun tak? Hehe...
Amy and her roommate, Bazilah (Azi).
Comel je dia orang dua orang ni....
Amy and me. Kami selalu gak hangout
despite bilik lain - lain since sekelas.
Bila dalam group assignment and project -
Amy wajib akan ada dalam tu sebab dia
rajin and sungguh reliable. Bonus lagi mudah
sebab kami sekolej... Hehe...
Oklah guys, sampai sini dululah post aku buat kali ni. Tujuan asal nak tunjuk pasal gambar dinner je so. rasa malaslah pula nak tulis lebih-lebih. Hope korang semua enjoy saja membacanya and maaf kalau penulisan aku ni santai semacam. Hehe. Goodbye everyone!

Sincerely: Mimi Said

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Meet Carly Rae Jepsen

A quick gateway for me aside from my hectic study life is listening to a great music. Brother dear introduced me to this Canadian Singer, Carly Rae Jepsen - 'Call Me Maybe' from Youtube and even though I didn't think it's a great song at first, it's start getting catchier from time I heard it now I am definitely hooked!. Not to mention, Carly is soo cute and seems like a sweet girl plus she has this annoying/attractive pouty lips that couldn't drawn my attention away ( I'm a girl still can't help from start liking her...). I don't know why but from there, I started to look up for her songs from the internet. As far as I been Googling, she had 2 albums which is 'Tugs Of War (2008)' and 'Curiosity (2011)' under her wings and was a former Canadian Idol starlet. Her voice as I can describe it, sounded almost like a sweet innocent child seeking for love and most of her songs are pretty transparent and easy to understand. My suggestion is try to hear out her songs, who knows she might be the one singer you been looking for!!...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Accidental Liking of Sherlock Holmes: My Story

Back in 2005 when I was young and naive; the only way that I could think of spending the money I received due to my well-achievement in exam (UPSR 2004) was by having a little fun with myself. And by fun I mean, manga. Yes, back the manga was my entire life, and I couldn't think of any better than spending my dime on them. It was then, that I had been introduced to Detective Conan manga, original artwork by Mr. Gosho Aoyama - one of the most famous detective comics in Japan (and World perhaps?) .

For a kid with lack of imagination: I had been so obsessed by the idea on how 'cool' Shinichi Kudo  really is. When he's able to solve the mystery that surrounding some peculiar occurrences and deaths for some people in a body of a kid ( after he was forced to eat a pill APTX ????), I was already cheering for him. Renaming himself as Conan Edogawa -  which is cleverly derived from Shinichi's favorite author of crime book, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes by the way: my fondness towards the series are only getting deep that till to this day, I still use my old e-mails: (created in 2006 - present).

Conan or Shinichi, knows how to make a great observation and his determination to solve most of the case he encounter really sparks my spirits up whenever I touch the manga. But of course, that was only then my love of manga but it's the prime key that ignites them all... My liking of Mr Sherlock Holmes...

That's why when the movie for Sherlock Holmes from 21st Century come out on 2009, I was definitely looking forward to it. Splendid job for the director for recruiting Mr Robert Downey Jr and Mr Jude Law in the movie; together, they make a perfect Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. And that just add more points to my fondness for both; books and films.

As far as I knew, the 2nd Sherlock Holmes movies: The Game of The Shadows had been released on 2011 and it hold a quite high ratings @ IMDB - 7.1/10 (as this post is written). Even though I missed it's premier, it doesn't matter to me as long as I get to see the movie in a high quality (HD) - All thanks to my baby brother... He's one of the greatest and reliable source for internet that I know. Thanks you bro.... a LOT.

Now, I would put an end to my story here because as far as I know for a personal blog like this; the more you write, the more you drag. Keeping it simple, true and ALL about ME and my fascination with the subject, I bid a farewell now. May you all would seek a liking as I did with Sherlock Holmes once you had finish reading this post. Good night then, everyone!!...

P/s: On my way to finish 5 volumes of Sherlock Holmes novels, pray that I'll find out more about the true nature of the book and learn most from them ;)

*Mimi says: In Liking for Sherlock Holmes

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mimi Picked Song: NJ Little Broken Hearts

Well it's finally here!! All Jazz loverz and fans gathered around and look who's back!. Norah Jones 5th Album: Little Broken Hearts is finally here!! I been waiting for it's release since I heard the single "Happy Pills" coming out around March (I think). It had this catchy upbeat tune 'I want you out of my head' and took my interest right away. And just look at the cover itself! I must say, this is a whole new Norah that I'm getting into know. Miss Jones stated that the album cover are inspired from 1965 MudHoney movie, in which she taken in to liking when she recorded her new album. Nice one!. Personally speaking, I think this new album had a bit of dark romance surrounded around it, which suits it title : Little Broken Hearts. Do look out for the bold one as my picked song :). Well pep's, happy listening then!! 

Next: Picked song on Jason Mraz and Melody Gardot. Stay tuned....

Album Information:
Audio CD (May 1, 2012)
Original Release Date: 2012
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Blue Note Records

Norah Jones – Little Broken Hearts (2012) Album Tracklist:
1. Good Morning
2. Say Goodbye
3. Little Broken Hearts
4. She’s 22
5. Take It Back
6. After The Fall
7. 4 Broken Hearts
8. Travelin’ On
9. Out On The Road
10. Happy Pills
11. Miriam
12. All A Dream