Friday, June 18, 2010

Bila Aku Sudah Tiada .... MASA!!!

Weekly Tutorial
Pop-tart Quiz
Daily Revision
Lab Experiment
Lab Report

Inilah yang terpaksa aku lalui setiap minggu. Aktiviti HARIAN YANG WAJIB UNTUK AKU BUAT! Rasa stress dan penat berselang-seli setiap kali nak lalui ni semua. Only one time aku boleh berehat sedikit and that is going HOME. It's the best feeling, y'all... Release tension aku yang terpendam selama berminggu-minggu, melayari internet, watchingTV... etc.. 

Totally FUN!

Sometimes, bila dah tertekan sangat keadaan tu, mulalah aku nak sembam muka kat bantal and then menjerit sepuas-puas hati. Bila dah letih baru bantai tidur. Esoknya, bila bangun, terus tak ingat apa dah and the same routine starts again. Memang macam tulah nampaknya life as a matriculation student ni. Anyway, life must go on! No matter how silly and stupid it sound... That's the way it has to be and shoukd be all from the start!

Gotta go first... I'm really sleepy and need some rest. See you soon

Thank you for reading this entry. Goodbye for now.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Last Week Moments - 1st Time Buying Meal from Mc Donald Drive-Thru

Next week aku akan balik rumah lagi! Yahoo... best gile. Tak sabar-sabar nak lalu dekat highway lagi. Perjalanan dari kolej aku ke rumah adalah memakan masa selama 1 1/2 jam. That's why aku enjoy sangat time balik because lama. Aku rasakan pemandangan highway time waktu malam memang siok sangat. Minggu lepas time balik pun aku rasa best je. Kalau boleh nak endlessly je kereta parents aku jalan kat highway because I like to see the sunset. Daisuki. Masa tulis ni pun masih terngiang-ngiang di kepala aku. Hai, tak sabar rasanya nak balik minggu depan. This way I can watch the sunset again.

The week before masa balik, ayah aku belikan makan guna drive-thru di Mc Donald. Tak pernah dibuatnya sebelum ni, ada sikit gayat ye. Ini boleh dikatakan first time experience gak ni because aku jarang gila makan McD, apatah lagi guna drive-thru dia. Comment aku pasal fast food di Mc D? Not bad... Although, I think I prefer the fries than the burgers. I dunno what is it with the burgers.  Rase cam pelik sikit and little bit dry. But the pickles are dayyam fine son.

Anyway, balik je rumah, rasa penat tu memang dah tak terkata. Kalau nak rilek-rilek sangat, memang taklah pasal homework aku sudah sedia melambak. Jangan buat gilakk... So, cam biasala, aku layan add math dulu bcoz add math jer yang ade jawapan included kat belakang (senang check kalau salah). Esoknya tu pulak, barulah gi celebrate Birthday adik aku. Kami sekeluarga celebrate birthday dia dekat Pizza Hut kat area Tampin tu je because malas nak drive jejauh. Walaupun ni birthday adik aku, aku amiklah kesempatan ni untuk benda lain macam spaghetti bolognese. Yelah, tak pernah makan kan, so haruslah mencuba. Nak try jugak, sedap ke tak makanan Western kat sini. Memang sedap dan kenyal. (oh-la-la, mammamia...).

Aku balik semula ke kolej dalam hari Ahad. As always, sebelum bertolak tu aku rasa macam malas ke nak balik ke KMJ. Nak kata tak balik, dah balik. Tapi bila nak balik balik je, this happens. Inilah form of depression aku. Tak tahu la kenapa, kan? Makan hari jugak tu nak okey balik (biase 1-2 hari). Biasalah kan. Takes time untuk fit in balik. Tu yang kengkadang malas nak balik rumah tu. Kejap rindu KMJ, kejap rindu rumah... Bercelaru otak dan hati aku nak decide. Last-last aku balik yang merana. Huhu

Heharap time aku balik rumah minggu depan, aku akan lebih prepared untuk deal dengan perasaan aku yang asyik berbelah bahagi ni. Mudah-mudahannya la... :)

Thank you for reading this entry. Goodbye for now.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Going Home (Again) Tomorrow ;)

So, I'm gonna make this post as a quick update because when I'm writing this - I'm currently at my college cybercafe.

First thing first - it's my little brother (15th) birthday tomorrow, so Happy Birthday, lil brother!. Then I also have a lot's of tutorial to do and surely, endless academic-related stuff to read and go through. So, please God - do give me all the strengthI needed. To be honest, I don't think one day is enough to go home, but that's better than nothing since I get to spend it with my family and they are my main priority. So, yeah... Watch it little bro, you big sistah is coming home! Hopefully the laptop had been repaired so that I get to play with the internet...

Thank you for reading.